Activity Schedule

Typical Daily Activities

Developmentally appropriate curriculum activities are planned for social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Children are encouraged but never coerced, to participate in the daily planned activities. Children may select from many activities during the course of the day, including, art, music, block play, dramatic play, science, story-time, cooking play, and Legos.

The children have outside play daily, even in cool weather. Outside play is an important part of a quality childcare program. Even young infants are taken out to enjoy the outdoors. Outside opportunities during the day include climbing, riding trikes, running, and being a child.

Event Calendar

Our facility will be closed on Federal Holidays. Also, the center will be closed for two additional days during the year for staff in-service training, building cleaning, and maintenance.

Parents will be notified months in advance of when the in-service training will take place. Check the calendar for announcements, upcoming field trips, birthdays, and special events.